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Spicy spinach with yogurt

Spicy spinach with yogurtThis dish is best made  just  before serving.      
Recipe  unsuitable to freeze.

20 spinach  leaves [silverbeet ]
30g ghee
2 teaspoons  black  mustart  seeds
¼ teaspoons  fenugreek seeds
1/2  teaspoons ground cumin
½  teaspoons ground nutmeg
¼ teaspoons  chilli power
1 tablespoon brown sugar
500g carton plain yogurt
Spicy spinach with yogurt
1: Remove and  discard white stalks from spinach. Steam or microwave spinach until limp; drain, cool. Chop  spinach   finely.                                       

2 : Melt ghee  in medium  saucepan, stir in seeds, cumin, nutmeg, chilli,  powder and sugar, stir over medium heat for about 2 minutes or until mustard seeds begin to pop.
Spicy spinach with yogurt

3:  Stir   in yogurt and spinach, stir over  low head for about 1 minute or until  heated through, do not allow mixture to boil.
Serves 4